1·If you have ever heard the earnest crooning of nonsensical English phrases by a Japanese pop star or seen the enthusiastic flash of a peace sign, you probably get the gist.
2·Now flash me that sign of yours.
3·And you can even enter to win the weekly GMA Flash gift bag giveaway. Sign up now.
4·Known for tolerating poor soils and cold climates, aspens flash yellow against their white bark in an unmistakable sign of coming winter.
5·If you had made backups of those documents before the infection hit your flash drive, you could have dumped the drive at the first sign of problems.
6·To sign, signifying his inspection and approval of, all daily reports of operations, monthly reports, Director of Finance's check list report and monthly flash report .
7·And the fact that a book already has been written about her appears to be another sign she's no flash in the pan.